Possibly interesting fragments of an uninteresting post I wrote a few months ago and never published

by Bryan

I had come home from work and missed my stop because of the adrenaline rush of getting an obscenely high score in Fruit Ninja, turned around, got my computer and went straight to the Banh Mi place, which raised its prices and was playing salsa music.


I remember what it was like to spend 10 hours in a retail store trying to push the hands around the clock with your mind.


I have not been working in any sort of customer service, where I am required to be nice and polite to people for their ends and those of my bosses. You learn about people pretty efficiently this way. Now I’m nice and polite to serve my own ends because unlike at a store where people are trying to find what they want, I’m trying to coax things out of them that they often don’t want to say. Sometimes they want to, sure, but not as often as I’d like. In the end I get my information, but in the exchange they end up learning something about me.


Most journalists aren’t really trying to save the world, but are trying to live in it.


The world is a nice place where people give you club soda for free if you just show up to ask for it.